1992. Generative image work.
Digital Image 1992 Exhibition / Ginza Washington Art.
2001. Rebuild as a screen saver for Windows.
2021. Recorded a screen saver running on Windows10.

Heros screen saver
The computer-generated art released in 1992 has been remade as a screen saver. This work of art expresses images you would see in your dreams. Screen elements are random so you would never see the same image twice.
*For Windows PC.
*Provided as-is.
*Grant screening rights.
*Only the NFT owner can download.
Heros.scr (404Kbyte)
How to operate:
Right-click on the Heros.scr icon to display the menu.
Select Test to temporarily display Heros.
Select Configure to configure the settings in the dialog box.
Select Install to register it as a screen saver.