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It is a hotbed of misunderstanding. I'm not criticizing the journalism. It is only natural that misunderstandings will arise as long as they involve making choices based on value judgments.
However, Imaginary Circuits welcomes such misunderstandings. This is because they are a product of imagination. Therefore, in the imaginary circuit style of reporting, the message is hidden between the lines and inductively expressed by the surrounding context.

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Inducing misunderstandings

The purpose of this project is not to convey misunderstandings, but to create misunderstandings in the user. However, in order to do so, the sample misunderstandings prepared by the author will help. It could be the look of the drawing, or it could be provided as a caption or description.

Now, in order for a misunderstanding to be a misunderstanding, it must correspond to the true state. The true image should be in real coordinates, that is, it should be objectively verifiable. This is because misunderstandings can only be recognized as a distance from that point.

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