
Woman made of triangles
Woman made of triangles
1989, 929x800 pixel PC9801+SuperFrame
1989, 800x960pixel
1989, 800x1043pixel

Targelin - The part that is not depicted

Targelin's specification is that the more important parts are subdivided into smaller parts, but the purpose of this is not to show the important parts. Rather, they are replaced by large triangles, and the parts that were not drawn give off an aura. The part that is not depicted is the imaginary symbol. In the beginning, small triangles gather as pixels and transmit information as symbols. As the triangles get larger and larger, they switch from symbols to imaginary symbols, and now begin to receive information. This structure acts as an automatic adjustment mechanism for the amount of imagination, activating small imaginations and gradually amplifying them.

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The algorithm
1. Divide the picture of the motif into two right triangles by the diagonal lines.
2. Trisect the triangle if the triangle contains the part of interest.
3. If there are still unevaluated triangles, return to step 2.
4. Fill in all the triangles with their average color.
5. Trim along the sides of the triangle if necessary.
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